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Telephone advice and ordering
Telephone advice and ordering
Monday - Friday 14pm - 16pm (UTC+1/GMT+1) :

For personal advice and ordering via phone please call us from:

Monday - Friday 11am - 6pm (UTC+1/GMT+1)

phone: 0049 - 7130-5081010

We are happy to help you with all your questions about your product choice and your order.
Whatever you have on your mind, dont hestitate to call us.

We are looking forward to your call and order.

In case our customer hotline is busy, please leave a message with your name and phone number and we will call you back as soon as possible.

We assure you that all your information provided will be kept strictly confidently and will not be shared with any third party since confidentiality and your privacy are our highest principles.

For us, it is now:Sunday, 19 January 2025 - 04:53 am
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